In a thought-provoking article by author and entrepreneur Derek Sivers, he outlines the three things to consider when making life-size decisions. What makes you happy What’s smart — meaning long-term good for you What’s useful to others Decision making is hugely important. We face decisions every...

Esther Wojcicki is a super inspiring lady who knows all about teaching and helping kids succeed. She's a fantastic educator, writer, and journalist who believes in empowering students and making learning fun. She is the mother of Janet Wojcicki, a professor at UCSF, Susan Wojcicki,...

Tony Robbins is one of the most renowned life coaches, self-help authors, and motivational speakers in the world. He is known for his high-energy seminars and his ability to motivate people to take action and achieve their goals. He's helped millions of people across the...

Clara Wilcox, founder of The Balance Collective, describes how she has taught her teenage daughter the main skills needed to be entrepreneurial. Together they have also discussed how to keep clients. “I worked as a teenager, and encourage my teenager to do the same. She has...

Actress Charlize Theron shares how her mother framed adverse situations or news, and the follow-up question she asked. “I have an incredible mother. Her philosophy was: ‘This is horrible. Acknowledge that this is horrible. Now make a choice. Will this define you? Are you going to...

Angela Duckworth, the author of one of our favourite books, GRIT, discusses raising gritty kids. "In our family, we live by the Hard Thing Rule. It has three parts. The first is that everyone—including mom and dad—has to do a hard thing. A hard thing is...

I attribute every success I've ever had to the fact that when I was a small child, whenever our family went on holiday, my mum made me pack my own suitcase. To me, it was normal. Who else would do it?! I realise it might not sound...

Tim Spiegelglass, owner of Spiegelglass Construction Company, describes how he had to pitch for what he wanted during childhood. “For as long as I can remember, my father asked me to negotiate or make a pitch for what I wanted, and now I’m having my daughters...

Believe it or not, Sir Richard Branson, billionaire founder of the Virgin Group, began life as a shy child. He would often cling to the back of his mother's skirt and refuse to talk to adults. As we know, Branson would overcome his challenges and...

Benjamin Banks is the founder of SBD Apparel, a sports performance brand worn by some of the best strength athletes in the world. We interviewed Ben for our podcast and learned the inception of the extraordinary attention to detail that underpins his success to this day. “My...

Jodi Chaffee, founder of Our Modern Heritage Academy LLC, explains how a conversation with her father helped her overcome challenges at school. “When I struggled in school one year, my dad asked me whether I believed I could be a possible A student. He asked me...

Elon Musk is one of the richest people on the planet. He continues to grow his empire in multiple industries and push the limits of technology. He's an outspoken and controversial entrepreneur so let's discover how was Elon Musk was raised. As a starter, many of...

Change and disruption are usually seen a challenge, especially for young children. They perhaps don't always understand why change is happening and they often don't have a say in the decision. Changing schools can be distressing for a child, leaving their friends behind and being...

The forgotten magic of the phone call Remember the era when the home telephone, perched on its little table, was the pulsating heart of family communications? The eager anticipation of dialling a number, waiting for that 'ring-ring', and the sweet victory when someone at the...

The 2021 Michelin Chef of the Year and Great British Menu finalist, Kray Treadwell, talks to Birmingham Living Magazine about slogging away at his passion as a teenager, much to the bemusement of his family. "I started washing pots at the Asquith in Edgbaston under [Michelin-starred...

In a fascinating piece for CBS News, Alexis Ohanian, co-founder of Reddit, writes a letter to his former self. Here are some paragraphs from it: "When you walk out of the LSAT without finishing it in order to go to the Waffle House, you're making the...

Shan-Lyn Ma, co-founder and CEO of Zola, was born in Singapore and moved to Sydney, Australia, when she was four. There, her dad fought for Southeast Asians’ labour rights at a nonprofit and her mother was an entrepreneur at heart. In Australia, Ma's mother taught her...

Steve Case, the former AOL chairman and CEO, talks about how island life led to an understanding of community. “I was born and raised in Hawaii, so that’s interesting. Both my parents were born and raised in Hawaii, which is probably more interesting, because Hawaii has...

Deborah Meaden, entrepreneur and Dragon's Den dragon, tells her story and the beliefs it led to. “I grew up in a single-parent family and we didn’t have a lot of money. I don’t say that looking for any sympathy, because a child doesn’t notice, except that...

Karen Mehta, Headteacher of Ashbridge Independent School, discusses how her own childhood has influenced the way she teaches others. “From an early age I was taught the value of hard work and coming up with good ideas. I would run stalls in my street and put...