Change-it Cho

Say hello to Change-it Cho, the star of the third book in the Clever Tykes series! Cho is a passionate social entrepreneur and makes for a brilliant positive entrepreneurial role model who we’re sure you’ll love and will inspire your children to achieve great things.

What the blurb says:Change-it Cho Clever Tykes book

Cho is a feisty competitor and enjoys nothing more than beating George in races! Cho’s parents have always helped her eat healthily so when she sees kids from school eating junk food every day, Cho decides something must change.

Cho begins raising awareness about healthy eating but gets a frosty response from the shopkeeper. After the local council tells her she can’t start her own fruit stall in the village, Cho is faced with her biggest challenge ever.

There are some fantastic lessons to be learned from Change-it Cho’s endeavours, particularly around her dedication to helping others make the right choices. She also faces some difficult decisions and must choose between what she is passionate about and what other believe she should do.

In terms of enterprise, Cho demonstrates the need to research her project, present her ideas effectively and create a fruit stall to meet demand. The latter provides scope to integrate the books into maths or numeracy tasks and the story leads itself well to discussing healthy eating and healthy lifestyles.


Healthy eating in storybooks

Healthy eating and healthy lifestyles continue to be hot topics in the 21st century and Clever Tykes is proud to have addressed them in Change-it Cho. Trying to teach children about healthy eating can be tough (which is exactly what Cho experiences in her story!) so it is important to help inspire them to make the right choices. We’re confident that Cho will inspire children to be more active and to eat a more balanced diet.

Change-it Cho healthy eating image

For teachers, the chance to integrate elements of a traditional PSHE curriculum like healthy eating in storybooks that promote enterprise amongst other skills makes for more effective and impactful lessons. Primary schools have used Change-it Cho to inspire children to start a healthy eating tuck shop which further embed the enterprise principles.

Read more about the Clever Tykes school resources here.

Find Change-it Cho in the Clever Tykes shop.