A father holding his young child, raising him as an entrepreneur

Find out your entrepreneurial parenting style

Helping your child develop the skills they need for the future is an exciting, if daunting, task! Raising a child with an entrepreneurial mindset is vital for their success, but it can be challenging without the right approach. In this article, we’re going to uncover the six entrepreneurial parenting styles so you can decide which works best for you and your family.

Understanding different entrepreneurial parenting styles will guide you in nurturing your child’s potential. These styles offer various ways to encourage creativity, independence, and strategic thinking. By finding the style that fits you and your child best, you can set the foundation for their future success. Let’s explore these styles and see which one resonates with you.


The importance of understanding entrepreneurial parenting styles

Every child is unique, and so is the way they learn and grow. As parents, recognising that there are different entrepreneurial parenting styles can make a big difference in how you support your child’s development. Each style offers a distinct approach to teaching valuable skills like creativity, independence, and strategic thinking.

By understanding these styles, you can better align your parenting with your child’s needs and interests. Whether your child is a budding inventor, a natural leader, or a curious thinker, there’s a style that can help them thrive. The key is to find the approach that resonates with both you and your child, creating an environment where entrepreneurial spirit can flourish.

Now, let’s dive into the six entrepreneurial parenting styles and discover how each one can help your child develop a strong entrepreneurial mindset.


The six entrepreneurial parenting styles


The visionary guide

Parents adopting this style inspire their children to dream big and follow their passions. They focus on helping their kids identify and nurture their unique talents and interests. By providing support and resources, these parents guide their children in turning ideas into viable business ventures.

Key characteristics:

  • Encourages creativity and innovation
  • Supports pursuit of passions and interests
  • Provides resources for skill development

This style is perfect for children who are imaginative and curious. It helps them build confidence in their ideas and develop the skills needed to bring their visions to life.


The hands-off coach

These parents believe in the importance of independence and self-reliance. They create a safe space for their children to explore, make mistakes, and learn from them. Guidance is provided only when necessary, allowing children to find their own solutions.

Key characteristics:

  • Promotes independent problem-solving
  • Allows children to experience failure and learn from it
  • Offers guidance and support when sought by the child

This approach works well for kids who are naturally inquisitive and enjoy solving problems on their own. It helps them develop resilience, critical thinking, and a strong sense of self-reliance.


A scene showing many parents and children learning to be entrepreneurs in different ways


The strategic planner

This style involves parents who emphasize the importance of planning, strategy, and setting goals. They teach their children how to set realistic objectives, develop business plans, and think strategically about their ventures. Formal education and academic excellence are also encouraged.

Key characteristics:

  • Focuses on goal-setting and strategic planning
  • Teaches children to develop and follow business plans
  • Emphasizes the importance of long-term thinking
  • Encourages pursuit of formal education and academic excellence

This approach suits children who are detail-oriented and enjoy structured activities. It helps them develop organizational skills and strategic thinking, preparing them for future challenges.


The network connector

Parents who adopt this style prioritize the importance of building a strong network and leveraging connections. They teach their children the value of networking, relationship-building, and collaboration in business.

Key characteristics:

  • Encourages networking and relationship-building
  • Teaches the importance of collaboration and partnerships
  • Provides opportunities to connect with industry professionals

This style is ideal for outgoing children who enjoy social interactions. It helps them develop strong communication skills and an understanding of the value of teamwork and networking.


The resource provider

These parents focus on giving their children the tools, resources, and opportunities needed to succeed in entrepreneurial endeavors. This might include financial support, educational resources, access to mentors, and encouraging participation in educational programs and activities.

Key characteristics:

  • Provides financial and educational resources
  • Connects children with mentors and industry experts
  • Ensures access to necessary tools and opportunities
  • Supports participation in educational programs and activities

This approach works well for children who are eager to learn and take advantage of available resources. It helps them build a solid foundation of knowledge and skills, boosting their confidence in pursuing entrepreneurial projects.


The experiential facilitator

This style is characterized by parents who believe in learning by doing. They encourage their children to gain hands-on experience through internships, part-time jobs, or starting small businesses, believing that real-world experience is the best teacher.

Key characteristics:

  • Encourages hands-on learning and real-world experience
  • Supports internships, part-time jobs, and small business ventures
  • Believes in learning through action and experience

This style resonates with children who are practical and enjoy active learning. It helps them develop practical skills and a deeper understanding of how businesses operate.


Defining your entrepreneurial parenting approach

Choosing the right entrepreneurial parenting style can make a big difference in how your child develops their entrepreneurial mindset. Whether you see yourself as a visionary guide, a hands-off coach, a strategic planner, a network connector, a resource provider, or an experiential facilitator, the key is to pick a style that feels right for you and suits your child’s unique personality and needs.

It’s also perfectly okay to mix different styles or change your approach as your child grows and their interests change. The most important thing is to create a supportive and encouraging environment where your child feels inspired to explore their entrepreneurial potential.

By understanding and using these entrepreneurial parenting styles, you can help your child build a strong foundation for future success. Enjoy the journey and take pride in watching your child develop the skills and confidence they need to thrive in the world of entrepreneurship.


If you’d like to dive deeper into this topic, check out How to Raise Entrepreneurial Kids by Jodie Cook and Daniel Priestley.